Appointment of Executive Committee


S. 292(l) proviso-Executive Committee-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that Mr.__________________ and Mr. __________________  be and are hereby appointed to constitute a committee of the Board of Directors, named as 'Executive Committee' to exercise the assignments

hereunder mentioned and to continue to function as a committee until otherwise resolved by the Board, to carry on the executive authority in the management of the company in relation to branch and factory administration, increments, transfer of staff, provided that such Executive Committee shall have no power or authority in any of the following matters, namely­


(a) To appoint or dismiss any Director in the full-time employment of the company (Whole-time Director).

(b) Make any decision affecting expenditure on capital outlay of more than Rs. 85,000/- under any single item or project

(c) Vary the remuneration including travelling expenses and sitting fees of any Director, whether whole-time or otherwise.

(d) Employ, discharge or release any senior executive officer of the company who is in receipt of Rs.35,000/- per month or over.




1. Formation of committees.-Under section 292(1) proviso the board of directors can by a resolution passed at a meeting delegate to any committee of directors, the managing director, the manager or any other principal officer of the company to the extent specified therein and on such conditions as the board may prescribe.


2. Chairman of the committee.-A committee may elect a Chairman of its meetings. If no such Chairman is elected or if at any meeting the Chairman is not present within five minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting the member present may choose one of their member to be Chairman of the meeting.


Appointment of Purchase Committee


S. 292(l) proviso- Purchase Committee-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that Mr. __________________ and Mr. __________________ Directors of the Company be and are hereby appointed to constitute a Purchase Com­mittee of the Board of Directors with power to make any long term contract with any supplier of raw materials, chemicals or components, formulate purchase policy to be followed by the company in procure­ment of raw materials and consumable stores of any description pro­vided that such Purchase Committee shall refer to the Technical Committee in respect of purchase of any equipment, machinery or any replacement thereof, and that no commitment for capital expenditure shall be made by such Purchase Committee without prior approval of the Board of Directors of the Company."




1. General powers of the Board.-The Board of Directors of a company is entitled to exercise all powers and to do all acts on behalf of the company as the company is authorised to do except those required to be done by the company in general meeting.


2. Authority given to others.-The Board of Directors of a company can by a resolution authorise any person to do a particular act and such authority will be valid till it is taken back again by the board.


Appointment of Technical Committee


S. 292(l) proviso-Technical Committee-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that Mr. __________________ and Mr. __________________ the Directors of the Company, be and are hereby appointed to constitute a Technical Committee of the Board to deal with all technical problems involved in the production and maintenance of plant, disposal of effluence, etc., and that the following powers and authorities in relation to the matters involving technical skill be also delegated to the said committee:


(a) Power to __________________

            (b) Power to __________________, etc."




1. Power of Board be delegated to Committee of Directors.-Subject to the conditions laid down in S. 292, the Board of Directors of a company, can delegate any of its powers to a committee. There are certain powers like issue of shares or debentures which can be exercised only in Board Meetings and these functions can not be delegated. Where a person entering into a contract or agreement with a Director or other officer of a company has no knowledge of any power of delegation contained in the articles, he cannot rely on such articles as conferring ostensible power or authority on the Director or officer to enter into such contract or agreement, if in fact no authority has been conferred.


2. Rules as regards proceedings of meeting of Board applicable to meeting of committee of Board.-A committee may elect a Chairman of its meetings. Similar rules as regards proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Directors apply to a meeting of the committee of the Board. Like Chairman of the Board, the Chairman of a Committee of Directors also must be present within five minutes of the time appointed for holding the meeting; otherwise, the members present may choose one of their number to be the Chairman of the meeting. A committee may meet and adjourn as it thinks fit. Similarly, resolutions arising at any meeting of a committee should be determined by a majority of votes of the members present, and in case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.


Appointment of Remuneration Committee


S. 292(l) Proviso-Remuneration Committee-Board Resolution.


"RESOLVED that Mr. __________________ and Mr. __________________ the directors of company be and are hereby appointed to constitute a Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company to deal with and approve remuneration of managerial personnel of the company.




1. Schedule XIII of the Act.-Companies having no profits or inadequate profits desiring to pay remuneration to its managing director/whole-time director as per Part II, Section II of Schedule XIII must approve the remuneration by a resolution passed by the Remuneration Committee.


2. Secretarial Standard.-Provisions of paragraphs 2.2, 3.2, 5.2 and 6.1 of Secretarial Standard 1 should be adhered to while convening the Remuneration Committee Meetings.


Delegation of power to borrow moneys, invest the funds of the

company and to make loans


S. 292(l) Proviso-Delegation of power to borrow moneys, invest the funds of the company and to make loans-Board Resolution.


"RESOLVED, pursuant to the provisions made in the proviso to subsection (1) of Section 292, that the principal officer of the Company, namely, the Secretary of the Company, be and is hereby authorised to borrow moneys up to Rs. 50 lakhs, invest the funds of the Company up to Rs. 60 lakhs and make loans to any organisation up to Rs. 65 lakhs."




See under Resolution No.  674.


Audit Committee (S. 292A)


See Resolution No.  28.


Sale or lease of the undertaking [S. 293(l)(a)]


Undertaking means business unit or enterprise. Rustomjee Cavasjee Cooper v. Union of India, AIR 1970 SC 564. The Board of Directors are free to act within the ambit of the resolution passed by the shareholders but it cannot be compelled to exercise the powers given to it by the shareholders. Pothen v. Hindustan Trading Corporation (P) Ltd., (1967) 37 Com Cases 266. Selling of the shares of the company held by it in another company does not amount to sale of an undertaking within the meaning of section 293(l)(a). Yellamma Cotton, Woollen and Silk Mills Co. Ltd., (1970) 40 Corn Cases 466 (Mysore). Once the General Meeting has agreed to the investment of funds of the company in a particular manner after considering the pros and cons of the matter and the investment is not opposed to any provision of law, it is not right for the Court to take a view different from the view taken by the shareholders. Natesar Spinning and Weaving Mills, ITR (1960) Mad 257. Temporary loans are excluded from the limit. Temporary loans are such loans which are payable on demand or within six months from the date of the loan. These are in the nature of cash credit arrangement, discounting of bills and short-term loans of a seasonal character. Letter No. 8/16(1)/61-PR, dated the 9-5-1961. Rising of capital by issue of shares is not borrowing of money. Hindustan Commercial Bank Ltd. v. Hindustan General Electric Corporation Ltd., AIR 1960 Cal 637. A unit of the company which has been closed for five years cannot be held to be an undertaking within the meaning of this sub-section and these provisions do not apply to a proposed sale of the unit. Pramod Kumar Mittal v. Andhra Steel Corporation Ltd., (1982) 2 Comp LJ 629. The term borrowing under section 293(l)(d) does not include debts on account of purchase of machinery and deferred payments, (Department's letter No. 8/16(1)/61-PR, dated 9-5-1961). if the borrowing by the Directors is ultra vires their powers, the Directors may be personally liable to damages to the tender. Firbank's Executors v. Hymphreys, (1886) 18 QBD 54. If the borrowing is unauthorised, the company will be liable to repay, if it is shown that the money had gone into the company's coffers. Lakshmi Ratan Cotton Mills Co. Ltd. v. J.K. Jute Mills Co. Ltd., (1957) 27 Com Cases 660. In a notice of the general for approval of the shareholders of a resolution under this clause, it is mandatory that explanatory statement sets out the material facts of the item of business and if such a resolution is passed without disclosing the material facts it is in violation of the requirement of section 173 and is a void resolution and an agreement on the strength of a void resolution if permitted would defeat the provisions of law. Y.S. Spinners Ltd. v. Official Liquidator, Ambica Mills Ltd., (2000) 100 Com Cases 547 (Guj).



Sale or disposal of undertaking


S. 293-(l)(a)-Sale or disposal of undertaking-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the Company in General Meeting, the stamping unit of the Company which is incurring losses for last several years be disposed of by way of outright sale pursuant to the offer made by M/s. BKP & Co. Ltd., dated the _________ 2002 _________, which is hereby tabled and the terms of which after perusal and discussion are hereby approved."




1. Restrictions on power of Board.-Section 293 imposes restrictions on the general power of the Directors. The actions that have been indicated in the section are nevertheless, required to be taken by the Board of Directors within such limitations or directions as may be determined by the company at a General Meeting of the members. The Board of Directors is usually empowered to dispose of old machinery or equipment as this is not considered an undertaking or part of the undertaking of the company.


2. Restrictions on sale or disposal of undertaking.-Sub- section (1)(a) of section 293 puts restrictions on the Board of Directors disposing of the whole, or substantially the whole of the undertaking of the company, or where the company owns more than one undertaking, of the whole or substantially the whole, of any such undertaking.


3. Word "undertaking"-Meaning.-The Companies Act does not define precisely the word 'undertaking'. By an ‘undertaking’ is meant business unit or enterprise through which a company may be said to be engaged in gainful occupation. For example, each of the several factories or manufacturing plants of a company will be considered to be an undertaking from the business point of view. It does not consist of assets or property; it is productive organisation, so to speak, and signifies a going concern engaged in the production, distribution, etc., of goods or services; sometimes it means also the entire business or organisation of a company. Sale or disposal of one single machinery cannot be construed as disposal of an undertaking or part of an undertaking within the meaning of section 293(l)(a). R.C. Coopers v. Union of India, (1970) 1 Comp LJ 244: (1970) 40 Com Cases 325: AIR 1970 SC 564.



Raising loan by mortgage of fixed assets


S. 293(l)(a)-Raising loan by mortgage of fixed assets-Board Resolution


"WHEREAS a letter dated the_________ 2002 _________, from the Industrial De­velopment Bank of India (hereinafter called 'IDBI') was placed on the table approving in principle release of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees ten lakhs) only to the company for the purchase of a sophisticated milling machine from the Hindustan Machine Tools Limited, Bangalore, on security by way of hypothecation of the machine;


NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that the said machine be and is hereby bought and hypothecated along with the existing machineries of the company in favour of the said IDBI, on the terms which are hereby accepted, namely, that the loans so advanced by the IDBI shall be repayable in five years' time and shall carry a rate of interest of nine per cent per annum on the outstanding amount.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Mr. __________________ and Mr. __________________ being the Directors of the Company, be and are hereby authorised jointly to exe­cute the necessary documents under the seal of the Company, wher­ever required, in this connection, as per Article _________ of the Articles of Association of the Company."




1. Compliance with provisions of section 293(l)(a) not necessary for obtaining loans by mortgaging whole or substantially whole of undertaking but usufructuary mortgage requires consent of general meeting.-Whether an equitable mortgage created by deposit of title deeds and a hypothecation of undertaking or part of the undertaking of the company comes within the mischief of the section has been the subject matter of conflicting clarification from the Department of Company Affairs from time to time and certain clarifications given earlier were cancelled b the Central Government b a Circular No.2/3/69-CL. V, dated 31-7-1970 but the Circular which is now in force is No. 8/19(293)/64-PR, dt. 21-7-1964, which states:


“which states that the point raised was considered and the Central Government is of the view that if a company mortgages the whole or substantially the whole of its undertaking for obtaining loans or other financial assistance, it need not comply with the provisions of section 293(l)(a) of the Act, but if it is a usufructuary mortgage, the said section would be attracted. In this view of the matter, the question of conflict between the provisions of section 293(l)(a) and section 292(l)(b) may not arise.”



Allowing extension of time for the repayment of debt


S. 293(l)(b)-Allowing extension of time for the repayment of debt-Board Resolution


"WHEREAS Mr. __________________ a Director of the Company, took an unse­cured loan of Rs. 100,000 to meet partially the cost of a flat he has purchased, carrying nominal rate of interest at six per cent per annum;


AND WHEREAS the entire loan with interest thereon is repayable within a period of three years from the date of the advance of the loan;


AND WHEREAS being unable to fulfil his commitment in respect of repayment of the aforesaid debt in full in stipulated time;


AND WHEREAS he has now applied to the Board of Directors for extension of time for the payment of debt by another one year vide his letter dated the _________ 2002 _________, which is hereby tabled and perused;


NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that subject to the consent of the Company being obtained in a General Meeting, the date of repayment of the balance of the debt amounting to Rs. 10,500/- due to Mr.__________________ a Director of the Company, be extended by further one year beginning from _________, 2002 _________, and that in case of default in pay­ing any instalment, the balance outstanding shall become due and pay­able immediately."




1. Loan to Director.-Previous approval of the Central Government is required for advancing loan to a director under section 295 of the Act and for non-compliance of this requirement is punishable with fine of up to Rs. 50,000/- or with simple imprisonment for a term of 6 months.


2. Loan to Director for purchase of flat.-Previous approval of the Central Government has to be obtained for giving loan to Directors for purchase of flat. The loan would be admissible only to the whole-time employees of the company, namely, managing directors, whole-time directors, etc. The amount of loan would not exceed a maximum of Rs. 1 lakh and would be given only where the cost of land together with the cost of construction does not exceed rupees four lakhs. The borrowers would be required to furnish sufficient security including mortgage of the land and the house to be constructed, for the repayment of the loan amount.


3. Application is to be made to Central Government for waiver or modification of condition.-If the extension of time granted to the Director conflicts with any condition imposed in the letter of approval under section 295, an application should be made to the Central Government for waiver or modification of the condition imposed.


Investment of compensation money other than in trustee



S. 293(l)(c)-Investment of compensation money other than in trustee securities-Board Resolution


"WHEREAS the undertaking of the Company for generating and distribution of electricity has been taken over by the State Government pursuant to a notification No _________ dated the _________ 2002 _________ enacted subsequently as _________ Electric Supply (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act, 1976;


AND WHEREAS the compensation agreed to be paid for the takeover of such undertaking has duly been received by the Company from the said State Government on the _________ 2002 _________ ;


AND WHEREAS the Company has met or satisfied without litigation, arbitration or otherwise, all the outstanding liabilities of the creditors of the company as were on the date of the acquisition of the undertaking, in full settlement of such creditors;


AND WHEREAS adequate surplus received as compensation after meeting all liabilities remain with the company to invest;


NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that subject to the consent of the Company at a General Meeting, an amount of Rs. 75,00,000/- (Rupees seventy-five lakhs) only be invested in purchase of equity shares in the capital of M/s. ABC & Co. Ltd., a high dividend yielding company until Company's scheme of manufacturing of high tension electricity conductor wire and power project is approved by the Central Government and the members at a General Meeting in due course."




1. Take-over of undertaking.-This is an important specimen resolution which can be adopted where there is take-over of undertakings, either by the Central or State Government.


2. Investment of compensation received by company in respect of acquisition of undertaking.-The Board of directors of a public company or of a private company which is a subsidiary of a public company with the approval of the share-holders in general meeting can invest otherwise than in trust securities the amount of compensation received by the company in respect of the acquisition of the undertaking either by the Central or State Government.


Borrowings-by way of term loan from Bank


S. 293(l)(d)-Borrowings-Term loan-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that pursuant to the authority given by the members of the Company under section 293(l)(d) at a General Meeting held on the _________ 2002 _________, to the Board of Directors, to borrow, within a limit of Rs. 10 crores, a further amount of Rs. 2.50 crores from the _________, Bank _________, Branch, Nagpur 440 012, be bor­rowed as a medium term loan repayable within a period of seven years from the date of disbursement thereof to be covered by the security by way of equitable mortgage by deposit of the title deeds already made with the said Bank."




1. Expression "Temporary Loan"-Meaning.-Section 293(l)(d) imposes some restrictions on the borrowing powers of the Board. Under the Amending Act (LXV of 1960), an explanation of the expression 'temporary loans' has been added in the absence of which it was causing confusion in the minds of lending banks whether all types of loans/advances should fall within the scope of this section requiring approval of the members of the company for borrowing beyond certain limit. Explanation II added to this section states that the expression 'temporary loans' in clause (d) means loans repayable on demand or within six months from the date of the loan, such as, short term loans, cash credit arrangement, discounting of bills and the issue of other short-term loans of a seasonal character, but does not include loans raised for the purpose of financing expenditure of capital nature. In effect, temporary loans obtained from the company's bankers in the ordinary course of business, and not for the purpose of acquiring any capital assets for the company are to be excluded, when reckoning the limit up to which a company may borrow. (Letter No. 8/16(1)/61 -PR dated 9-5-1961).


2. Public deposits not subject to restrictive provisions of section 293(l)(d).-A question may arise as to whether or not public deposits accepted by the company pursuant to section 58A of the Companies Act, 1956, and the-Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975, should be subjected to the restriction of borrowing under section 293(l)(d). It seems the acceptance of deposits, though a form of borrowing guarded and regulated by separate ceilings, may not be subject to the restrictive provisions of section 293(l)(d) of the Act.


3. Hire Purchase and leasing transaction.-Purchase of machinery on deferred payment basis is not covered by the term 'borrowings' in section 293(l)(d). (Letter No. 8/16(1) 61-PR dated 9-5-1961).


4. Compliance Certificate.-Companies having a paid up share capital of less than Rs. 2 crores but equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs are required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole-time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the amount borrowed by the company from directors, members, public financial institutions, banks and others during the financial year ending is within the borrowing limits of the company and that necessary resolutions as per section 293(l)(d) of the Act have been passed in duly convened general meeting as per paragraph 24 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001.


Contribution to employees' welfare fund


S. 293(l)(e)-Contribution to employees' welfare fund-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the Company at a General Meeting pursuant to section 293(l)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956, an amount of Rs. 6,50,000/- (Rupees six lakhs fifty thousand) only be contributed to Army Wives Welfare Society, a society of the wives of the army personnel either in service or retired, formed for helping advancement of education and higher studies and making them self-employed by any other means."




1. Shareholders' approval required for contribution to welfare funds beyond prescribed limits.-Powers exercisable under the provisions of section 293(l), clauses (a) to (e), rest upon the Board of Directors but its unfettered liberty in dealing with the funds of the company is restricted to a limit and any action beyond the limits provided therein under the clauses (a) to (e) of the said section is subject to the consent of the company to be obtained at General Meeting.


2. Contribution to charity etc.-As regards contributions to any charitable and other funds not directly relating to the business of the company or the welfare of its employees (provided in clause (e) of sub-section (1) of section 293), the maximum amount in any financial year should not exceed fifty thousand rupees or five per cent of the company's average profits as determined in accordance with the provisions of sections 349 and 350 during the three financial years immediately preceding, whichever is greater. One very vital factor that should be remembered is that unless the memorandum or the articles authorise such expenditure, it will be ultra vires the power of the company. The Directors cannot make gratuitous payments out of company's money, and these are ultra vires except so far as they are permitted by the Companies Act, 1956, such as those specified in sections 293, 293A, 318 and 320 of the Act, the provisions under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, and the Gratuity Act, 1972.


3. Periodicity of resolutions passed depend on terms of resolutions and circumstances under which passed.-Pursuant to Explanations I, II and III to sub-section (1) of section 293, the periodicity of resolutions to be passed under clauses (d) and (e) of sub-section (1) of section 293 should depend on the terms of the resolutions so passed and the circumstances under which they were passed. (Circular No.8/19(293)/64-PR, dated 15-9-1964).


4. Contribution to charitable trusts in the form of fully paid shares instead of cash.-Companies may contribute to any charitable trusts in the form of fully paid shares instead of cash to the extent the amount represented by such shares does not exceed the limits specified in section 293(l)(e) and all statutory requirements are complied with. But, such companies should not undervalue the shares so contributed to avail of the statutory ceilings. (Letter No. 12/13/60-PR (S) dated 18-3-1960).


5. Contribution to National Defence Fund excluded.-In calculating the limit specified in section 293(l)(e), contribution made to National Defence Fund under section 293B need not be taken into account. (Letter No.. 8/51(293B)/66-CL.V, dated 31-81966).


Donation (S. 293(l)(e))


The Department of Company Affairs have opined that expenditure incurred on advertisement in souvenir issued by political parties may be a donation in disguise of advertisement and would attract section 293-A. (Department's Letter No. 8/20/293-A/69-CL. V, dated 12th February, 1970).


Donation to Charitable institution


S. 293(t)(e)-Donation-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that a sum of Rs. 50,000/- of the Company be paid to ABC Institution which is a charitable institution within the meaning of Income-tax Act, 1961 as d6nation."




1. To check whether charitable institution recognised.-Check up that the institution is a charitable institution recognised as such under the Income-tax Act, 1961 as amended from time to time.


2. Donations to be within limit.-The limit of Rs. 50,000/- or 5% of its average net profits, whichever is greater is to be complied with. The donations should be within that limit.


3. Memorandum of Association to empower company.-The power to donate should be contained in the Memorandum of Association of the company; otherwise alter the memorandum.


4. Section not attracted for donation to certain National Relief Funds.-Donations to certain National Relief Funds are not attracted by this section. (293B)


5. Expenditure incurred on advertisement in souvenir of political parties attract section 293A.-The Department of Company Affairs have opined that expenditure incurred on advertisement in souvenir issued by political parties may be a donation in disguise of advertisement and would attract section 293-A. (Letter No. 8/20/293-A/69-CL. V, dated 12th February, 1970).


Contribution to the Political Party


S. 293A-Contribution to a political party-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Section 293A of the Companies Act, 1956, the approval of the Board of Directors be and is hereby given to the Company for contribution to Congress Party an amount not exceeding five per cent of the average net profits as determined in accordance with the provisions of sections 349 and 350 of the Companies Act, 1956 during the three immediately preceding financial years."




1. Contribution to political party prohibited.-A Government Company and a Company which has been in existence for less than three financial years cannot contribute any amount or amounts directly or indirectly to any political party or for any political purpose to any person.


2. Requirement of Board Resolution.-A resolution of the Board of Directors is required for making any contribution to any political party or for any political purpose to any person.


3. Deemed contribution for political purpose.-A donation or subscription or payment given by a company on its behalf or on its account to a person, to its knowledge is carrying on any activity, which can reasonably be regarded as likely to effect public support for a political party shall also be deemed to be contribution of the amount of such donation, subscription or payment to such person for a political purpose.


4. Expenditure when amount to deemed contribution.-The amount of expenditure incurred directly or indirectly by a company on advertisement in any publication in the nature of a souvenir, brochure, tract, pamphlet or the like by or on behalf of a political party or for its advantage shall also be deemed to be a contribution to such political party and where such publication is not by or on behalf of but for the advantage of a political party to be a contribution for a political purpose to the person publishing it.


5. Disclosure in Profit and Loss Account.-Every Company is required to disclose in its profits and loss account any amount(s) contributed by it to any political party or for any political purposes to any person during the financial year to which that account relates giving particulars of the total amount contributed and the name of the party or person to which or to whom such amount has been contributed.


6. Penalty.-If a company makes any contribution in contravention of the provisions of Section 293-A then the Company shall be punishable with fine which may extend to three times of the amount so contributed and every officer of the Company who is in default shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and with fine.


Contribution to Political Party

(Another format)


S. 293A(2)-Contribution to Political Party-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Company be and is hereby authorised to contribute for every financial year any sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate Rs. _________ to such political party or parties as it deems fit and proper."




1. Amount of contribution.-The aggregate of the amounts which is to be contributed by a company in any financial year should not exceed five per cent of the company's average net profits during the three immediately preceding financial years.


2. Disclosure in profit and loss account.-The amount of contribution to political party should be disclosed in the profit and loss account giving particulars of the total amount contributed and the name of the political party to which such amount has been contributed.


3. Penalty.-Contravention of the provisions of Section 293-A will call for fine three times the amount of contribution.


Contribution to the National Defence Fund


S. 293B-Contribution to the National Defence Fund-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that pursuant to section 293B of the Companies Act, 1956, Mr. __________________, a Director of the Company, be and is hereby authorised to contribute up to a sum of Rs. 80,000/- to the National Defence Fund or to any other Fund approved by the Central Gov­ernment for the purpose of national defence."




1. Funds approved by Central Government.-Funds approved by the Central Government for the purpose of national defence are the following:




Name of the Fund

Name of the



The Chief Secretary to the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, National Defence Fund

Andhra Pradesh


The National Defence Fund, Andhra Pradesh State Peoples' Committee

Andhra Pradesh


The Bihar State National Defence and Jawans' Welfare Fund



The Chief Minister's Defence Fund, Kerala State



The National Defence Fund, Madras

Tamil Nadu


The Chief Minister's Defence Services Welfare Fund, Rajasthan



The Chief Minister's Defence Forces Welfare Fund, Lucknow

Uttar Pradesh


The Chief Minister's Defence Purposes Fund of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow

Uttar Pradesh


The Chief Minister's West Bengal Account National Defence Fund

West Bengal


Gujarat Chief Minister's Sainik Fund      



The Prime Minister's National Relief Fund see Notification No. GSR 2561 dated 18- 10­1975.



Contribution to National Defence Fund etc.


S. 293-B-Contribution to National Defence Fund etc.-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that consent of the Board of Directors be and is hereby accorded to the Company to the contribution of Rupees Two Lakhs to the National Defence Fund".




1. No limit prescribed for contribution to National Defence Fund.-No limit has been prescribed for contribution to the National Defence Fund. Therefore any amount can be contributed with the approval of the Board of Directors and approval of the shareholders is not required.


2. Contribution to Fund approved by Central Government.-The contribution is to be made to the National Defence Fund or any other Fund approved by the Central Government for the purpose of national defence.


3. Disclosure in Profit and Loss Accounts.-Disclosure has to be made by every company in its Profit and Loss Account indicating therein the amount contributed by it to the National Defence Fund or any other fund approved by the Central Government for the purpose of national defence.


Appointment of Sole Selling Agent


S. 294-Appointment of Sole Selling Agent-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that Shri __________________ is appointed as a sole selling agent of the Company for its products in the area of   for a period of 5 years on and from _________ on the terms and conditions contained in the agreement accepted by the aforesaid Shri __________________ and now placed before the meeting, subject to the condition that the appoint­ment shall cease to be valid if it is not approved by the Company in its first general meeting held after the date of appointment."




1. Approval of General Body.-Section 294(2) prohibits the appointment of a sole selling agent except on the condition that the appointment shall cease to be valid if it is not approved by the general body.


2. Prohibition in certain cases.-The Central Government has prohibited the appointment of sole selling agents in sugar, vanaspati, cement and paper under section 294AA. Cement and Paper is prohibited for 2 years w.e.f. 18-9-2000, Bulk drugs, drugs and formulations for 3 years w.e.f. 17-4-2000 and Vanaspati for 2 years from publication of Notification No. GSR 927(E) dated 21-12-2000, in the official gazette.


3. General Body Resolution.-See also form of Resolution to be passed by the general body, and the Companies (Appointment of Sole Agents) Rules, 1975.


4. Penalty for default.-If a company refuses or neglects to furnish the information required by the Central Government under clause (a) of sub-section (5) or clause (a) of sub-section (6) or to produce to the person appointed under clause (b) of sub-section (5) or clause (b) of sub-section (6) any books and papers which are in its custody or power or otherwise to give to that person any assistance which it is reasonably able to give, the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with fine of up to Rs. 50,000/- and with a further fine of up to Rs. 500/- for every day after the first during which such refusal or neglect continues. Where non-compliance with the mandatory directions contained in section 294(2) was not only in respect of the first agreement but was in respect of the second and third agreement it was held that the offences committed were of the nature of continuing offences. AY. Kasargod v. ROC, (2001) 105 Com Cases 676 (Kant.).


5. Compliance Certificate.-Companies having paid-up share capital of less than Rs. 2 crores but equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs are required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole-time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the appointment of sole-selling agents was made in compliance of the provisions of the Act as per paragraph 16 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001.


Appointment of Selling Agents of Different Territories


S. 294-Appointment of selling agents in different territories-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company, the following firms be and are hereby appointed as Agents in the Territories mentioned against their names for the sale of the Company's products, namely, Microscopes, Pressure Gauges and the spare parts there for:


Sl. No

Name of the Agent




M/s. ABC (Private)

Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and the Union Territories of Goa, Daman & Diu

One year


M/s. XYZ (Private) Lim­ited


Two year


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Standard Selling Agency Agreement placed on the Table and duly initialled by the Chairman of the Meeting for the purposes of identification be and is hereby approved.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri SKM, Managing Director of the Company be and is hereby authorised to execute on behalf of the Company the Selling Agency Agreement with the above firms and to make such variations/modifications in the terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed to _________


RESOLVED FURTHER that the approval of the Company in next General Meeting be obtained to the aforesaid appointments and the Secretary of the Company be and is hereby authorised to take such further action as may be necessary in this connection."




1. Appointment of Sole Selling Agents for rive years at a time.-A company shall not appoint sole selling agents for any area for a term exceeding five years at a time. However, the Company is not prohibited from re-appointing or extending their term of office for a further period not exceeding five years on each occasion.


2. Stipulation of condition is must that appointment would cease if not approved by shareholder.-The expression in sub-section (2) to the effect that the Board of Directors of a Company shall not appoint a sole selling agent for any area except subject to the condition that the appointment shall cease to be valid if it is not approved by the company in the first general meeting held after the date on which the appointment Is made. It has been held that any agreement which does not incorporate that condition should be held to be void and of no effect even though a general meeting may have approved of it. (Arantee Manufacturing Corporation v. Bright Bolts (P.) Ltd., (1967) 37 Comp Cases 758). Thus such a condition must be embodied in the agreement in case the appointment is made by the Board of Directors.


3. Appointment ceases to have effect if disapproved in general meeting.-If the company in general meeting disapproves the appointment it shall cease to be valid from the date of that general meeting.


4. Power of Central Government to call for particulars of Sole Selling Agent-on refusal Govt. may appoint Inspector to investigate.-The Central Government has power to call for particulars regarding the terms and conditions of the sole selling agents. If the company refuses or neglects to furnish any such information; the Central Government may appoint an Inspector to investigate and report on the terms and conditions of appointment of sole selling agent.


5. Government may call for particulars where company has more than one selling agent and on failure to furnish information to appoint Inspectors.-Where the company has more than one selling agents the Central Government may require the company to furnish the information regarding the terms and conditions of appointment of all selling agents. If the company refuses or neglects to furnish the information, the Central Government may appoint an Inspector to investigate and make a report in this regard.


6. Penalty when information not furnished.-The Company has to comply with the provisions contained in the section and/or furnish the information asked by the Government or to the Inspector appointed by the Central Government. In default the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with fine up to Rs. 50,000/- and further fine up to Rs. 500/- for every day after the first during which the default continues.


7. Section 294 applicable to both public and private company.-This section is applicable to a public as well as a private company.


Payment of Compensation to Sole-Selling Agent for loss of office


S. 294-A-Payment of compensation to sole-selling agents for loss of office in certain cases-Board Resolution


“RESOLVED that the Sole Selling Agent of the Company M/s. ABC be and is hereby paid Rs. _________ as compensation for loss of its office due to reconstruction of the company as per the scheme of reconstruc­tion approved by the Board and also the company in general meeting held on _________ 2002.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Secretary of the Company be directed to obtain the undertaking as per the draft placed before this meeting and initialled by the Chairman for the purpose of identification, signed by the said sole selling agent to the effect that he should not accept any appointment of a sole-selling agent from the reconstructed company for a period of two years from _________”




1. Prohibition of payment of compensation.-Sub- section (1) of section 294-A prohibits a company from paying compensation to a sole selling agent for loss of office in five cases mentioned therein from clause (a) to (e). One of the restrictions is that a sole selling agent cannot be paid compensation for loss of office where he resigns in view of the reconstruction or amalgamation of the company and is appointed as the sole selling agent of the reconstructed or amalgamated company.


2. Extent of compensation payable.-The compensation which may be paid by a company to its sole selling agent for loss of office should not exceed the remuneration which he would have earned if he had been in office for the unexpired residue of his term or for 3 years, whichever is shorter, calculated on the basis of the remuneration actually earned by him during a period of 3 years immediately preceding the date on which his office ceased or was terminated, or where he held his office for a lesser period than 3 years, during such period.


Loans to Directors


S. 295(l)(a)-Loan given to a director-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that pursuant to section 295 and subject to the approval of the Central Government Rs._________ be and is hereby given to Mr. ABC as loan for a period of 2 years at an interest of 2% per annum and as per other terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement placed before this meeting and initialled by the Chairman for the pur­pose of identification.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Secretary be authorised to make the necessary application to the Central Government for obtaining approval and to take all steps that may be necessary in connection therewith or incidental or ancillary thereof."




1. Previous approval of the Central Government.-The approval to be obtained from the Central Government for giving loans to directors must be previous approval and not post approval. The application should be made in the letter head of the Company as there is no prescribed form along with requisite fees paid by way of bank draft as per Companies (Fees on Applications) Rules, 1999.


2. Exemptions from the provisions.-Loans made or guarantee given or security provided by a private company unless it is a subsidiary of a public company or by a banking company or by holding company to its subsidiary. Government companies are also exempted from the provisions of section 295 provided they obtain approval of their administrative ministries or the concerned State Government as the case may be.


3. Penalty for default.-Every person who is knowingly a party to any contravention of sub-section (1) or (3) of section 295, including in particular any person to whom the loan is made or who has taken the loan in respect of which the guarantee is given or the security is provided, shall be punishable either with fine of up to Rs. 50,000/- or with simple imprisonment for a term of 6 months.


4. Guidelines for company loans to directors and their relatives.-The Department of Company Affairs has issued guidelines providing stringent norms for loans or corporate guarantee or furnishing security to the directors of the company or their relations vide Press Release dated 18-2-2002. While making the application to the Central Government under this section these norms should be strictly followed.


5. Compliance Certificate.-Companies having paid-up share capital of less than Rs. 2 crores but equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs are required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole-time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the company has advanced loan amounting to the specified amount to its directors and/or persons or firms or companies referred in section 295 of the Act after complying with the provisions of the Act as per paragraph 8 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001.


 347. Contract with Directors etc. (S. 297)


The consent contemplated is not a general consent but a consent referable to each particular or specific contract or contracts. Consent requires knowledge of the necessary facts and materials which leads to the consent and cannot be given in a general or abstract manner. Walchandnagar Industries Ltd. v. Ratanchand Khimchand Motishaw, (1953) 23 Com Cases 343. Where facts and circumstances of a case requires approval of the Central Government under section 269 or section 314(1B) or section 294AA and also under section 297, approval under section 269, section 314(1B) or section 294AA of the Act would be enough and no separate approval under section 297 of the Act is necessary. (Department’s circular No. 18/76, dated 29th June, 1976). Proviso to section 297(l) does not apply to the contract of employment of a Director as Managing or Whole-time Director. (Department's circular No. 13/75, dated 5th June, 1975).


Contract with Directors


S. 297-Contract with Directors etc.-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that approval of the Board of Directors be and is hereby given to the company for the execution of a contract with M/s. ABC Private Ltd., in which Mr. XYZ, a Director of the Company is interested, for supply of the packing machinery to the Company as per terms and conditions set out in the draft agreement placed before the meeting and initialled by the Chairman for the purposes of identification.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Managing Director of the Company be and is hereby authorised to execute the agreement with M/s. A.B.C. Private Ltd. under the common seal of the Company, affixed on the agreement in accordance with Article _________ of the Articles of Asso­ciation of the Company."




1. Interested director not to participate in Board's proceeding.-The interested Director is not to participate in the Board's proceeding and to vote on the resolution.


2. Board's approval not necessary to contract for supply of goods not exceeding Rs. 5,000/-. -For contract or contracts relating to supply of goods and materials, the value of which does not exceed Rs. 5,000/- in the aggregate in any year, no Board's approval is necessary.


3. Section not applicable to rendering of professional services.-This section is not applicable where the services are in the nature of professional services given by a firm of solicitors or advocates.


4. Company having paid-up capital of not less than Rs. one crore to obtain approval of Central Government for contract.-Previous approval of the Central Government is to be obtained for any such contract where the company has a paid-up capital of not less than Rs. one crore.


5. Contract must relate to particular transaction and not to a general one.-The contract entered into by the company with any Director must relate to a particular transaction and should not be a general one.


6. Consent not to be a general consent but referable to specific contract.-The consent contemplated is not a general consent but a consent referable to each particular or specific contract or contracts. Consent requires knowledge of the necessary facts and materials which leads to the consent and cannot be given in a general or abstract manner. Walchandnagar Industries Ltd. v. Ratanchand Khimchand Motishaw, (1953) 23 Com Cases 343.


7. No separate approval necessary under section 297 when Central Government approval required under section 269/314(1B)/294AA.-Where facts and circumstances of a case require approval of the Central Government under section 269 or section 314(1B) or section 294AA and also under section 297, approval under section 269, section 314(1B) or section 294AA of the Act would be enough and no separate approval under section 297 of the Act is necessary. (Department's Circular No. 18/76, dated 29-6-1976).


8. Proviso to section 297(l) not applicable to contract of employment of director/Managing/Whole -time director.-Proviso to section 297(1) does not apply to the contract of employment of a director as Managing or Whole-time Director. (Department's Circular No. 13/75, dated 5-6-1975).


9. Compliance Certificate.-Companies having paid-up share capital of less than Rs. 2 crores but equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs are required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole-time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Compames mentioning therein inter alia that the company has duly complied with the provisions of section 297 of the Act in respect of contracts specified in that section as per paragraph 9 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001.


Contract with any Director

(Another format)


S. 297-Contract with any Director-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that the contract for the supply of 50 tonnes of rolled sections of various specifications, entered into between the Company and Mr. __________________ a Director of the Company, who is interested in it as per Entry No. 32 in the Register of Contract, be and is hereby approved, pursuant to section 297 of the Companies Act, 1956."




1. Consent of Board necessary for contract with any director or his relative.-The consent of the Board of Directors is necessary for a Director of the company, or his relative, a firm in which such Director or relative is a partner, or a private company of which the Director is a member or Director, to enter into a contract with the company.


2. Contracts for supply of services included.-Section 297 covers not only sale/purchase or supply of any goods or materials, but also services, the value of which or the cost of which exceeds five thousand rupees in the aggregate in any year comprised in the period of the contract or contracts. This section does not apply to contracts relating to immovable properties and also for rendering of services as distinct from supply of services.


3. Approval of Central Government required when directors interested.-Where the company with which a contract is made by an interested Director has a paid-up share capital of not less than rupees one crore, no such contract shall be entered into except with the previous approval of the Central Government. Contracts entered into for supply of professional services given by firms of solicitors and advocates fall outside the scope of section 297. Moreover, proviso to section 297(l) does not apply to a contract of employment of a Director as a managing or Whole-time Director. (Circular No. 8/11/75-CL. V, dated 5-6-1975).


4. Board's consent be obtained before entering into contract or within three months.-Pursuant to sub-section (4) of section 297, the consent of the Board of Directors to a contract must be obtained (must be done at a meeting of the Board) before the contract is entered into or within three months of the date on which the contract was entered into. The Board has also, in such cases, the option to avoid the contract. In other words, if the Board chooses to condone the defect and pass a resolution not to avoid the contract or gives ex post fact to consent, there is the end of the matter. The company in the General Meeting cannot interfere unless the act of the Board amounts to a breach of trust, resulting in loss of the company.


5. Previous approval of Central Government must.-Even if Board's approval is not taken in cases mentioned in sub-section (3) of section 297, previous approval of the Central Government must be obtained by any company which has a paid-up capital of rupees one crore or more. (Letter No. 8/1175-CL. V, dated 29-3-1975).


6. Cheque treated as cash payment.-A cheque is to be treated as cash payment for the purpose of section 297. (Letter No. 8/2(Misc)/75-CL. V, dated 6-6-1975).


7. No separate approval needed under section 297 when Central Government approval required under sections 269/314(1B)/294AA.-Where approval of the Central Government is needed under section 269 or section 314(1B) or section 294AA and also under section 297, then the approval taken under section 269 or 314(1B) or 294AA is enough and separate approval additionally under section 297 is not necessary. (Circular No. 18/76 (2/103/75-CL. XIV and 1/1/76-CL V), dated 29-6-1976).


8. Section 297 not applicable to contract entered into with dealers on principal to principal basis.-The provisions of section 297 are not applicable to contracts entered into by companies with dealers on a principal to principal basis unless these contracts are in respect of goods which the dealers sell or supply on an agency basis on behalf of the private company or firm manufacturing the goods supplied. (Circular No. 8/297/56-PR, dated 2-8-1956).


Contract with a private company


S. 297-Contract with a private company-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that a draft agreement in connection with the Company's negotiation with M/s. XYZ & Company Private Limited for the use and occupation of office space measuring 5,500 sq. ft. at__________________ Mumbai, including the services of telephone, Toilet and security at a consolidated amount of Rs. 100,000/- per month for a period of five years from the date of commencement thereof, which is initialled by the Chairman for purpose of identification and submitted to this meeting, be and is hereby approved being beneficial to the company and that such agreement be executed under the common seal of the Company pursuant to article _________ of the Articles of Association of the Company in the presence of Mr. __________________ and Mr. __________________ the Directors, and Mr. XYZ, Secretary of the Company, Mr. PMM, a Director of the Company, being interested in the contract, having abstained from the discussion and voting thereof in this meeting."




1. Contract with interested director must be specific and not general.-A contract in which a Director is interested must be a specific one and not general transaction (Walchand Nagar Industries Ltd. v. Ratan Chand, AIR 1953 Bom 285). If a Director is not aware of some person being his relation, then he will be relieved in a bona fide case. Proviso to section 297(2)(b) applies only to contracts that involve purchase or supply of goods, materials or services in which Director or relative regularly trades. A contract of the above type is not included within the proviso.


2. Compounding of offence.-For any default under the section penalty can be imposed under section 629A and the same is compoundable under section 621A. Otto Burlingtons Mail Orders (P.) Ltd. Re, (1999) 96 Com Cases 525 (CLB-NB). Offence was directed to be compoundable against the company and the directors on payment of fee of Rs.75,000/- even though prior approval of the Central Government was not obtained for purchasing goods through partnership firms in which some of the directors of the company were interested but considering the negligible quantity of goods involved. Dintex Ltd. Re, (2001) 104 Com Cases 735 (CLB).


Disclosure of interest by Directors (S. 299)


The contract or arrangement hit by this section is one in which the Director has a personal interest conflicting with his duties towards the company and does not cover cases where there is no personal interest involved. Public Prosecutor v. TP. Khaitan, (1956) 2 MLJ 590. Where a company issued certain debentures to a bank to secure an overdraft and the overdraft had previously been guaranteed by some Directors, this was held to be an interest which ought to be disclosed to the Board. Victors Ltd. v. Lingard, (1927) 1 Ch 323.


Interest is not personal interest only nor is it confined to pecuniary interest only. If to the knowledge of the Director concerned, a relative of his coming within the list in Schedule 1-A is concerned in a contract or arrangement, the Director must disclose the same to the Board. Fateh Chand Kad v. Hindson (Patiala) Ltd., (1957) 27 Com Cases 340. Non-disclosure does not render the contract void or a nullity. It renders the contract voidable at the instance of the company and makes the Director accountable for any secret profit which he has made. Hely-Hutchinson v. Brayhead Ltd., (1968) 1 Comp LJ 263.


Where a Director is a trustee since the trustee is the owner of the share, it would be necessary in such cases to disclose to the company his 'interest' arising out of his membership in the companies concerned as a joint holder or as a trustee as the case may be. (Company News and Notes, dated 1st July, 1963).


Failure to comply with the requirements of this section will cause vacation of the office of the Director and will also subject him to the penalty under sub-section (4) of section 299. (See section 283(1)(i)).


There should be clear and specific allegations of facts creating duty of disclosure and violation of that duty should be established. There should be the intention to defraud shareholders. Gordon Woodroffee & Co. Ltd. U.K. v. Gordon Woodroffe Ltd., (1999) 97 Com Cases 582 (Mad).


Allegations made by complaining members that directors of the company had failed to disclose their interest in a contract with a firm with whom it had regular dealings had full knowledge of the relevant facts and so there was no violation of the provisions of the section so as to attract any penal provisions. Suryakant Gupta v. Rajaram Corn Products (Punjab) Ltd., (2001) 2 Comp LJ 155 (CLB).


 General notice of interest


S. 299-General notice of interest to the Board-Board Resolution


“RESOLVED that general notices of interest pursuant to section 299(3) of the Companies Act, 1956, received from the following Directors disclosing concern or interest in any contract or arrangement which may be entered into with such body corporate or firm as per the statement brought up and read in this meeting be and are hereby recorded in the register of contracts maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956:


Names of the Directors:


1. Mr. __________________

2. Mr. __________________

3. Mr. __________________

4. Mr. __________________

5. Mr. __________________

6. Mr. __________________”




1. General Notice of interest.-This section, to some extent, overlaps section 297, but it will be seen that this section has a wider scope as compared to that of section 297. Pursuant to sub-section (3)(a) of this section, the compliance of disclosure of interest of a Director under sub-sections (1) and (2) is always done by giving a general notice to the Board of Directors stating therein that he is a Director or member of a specified body corporate or a member of a specified firm and is to be regarded as concerned and interested in any contract or arrangement which may, after the date of the notice, be entered into with that body corporate or firm. Pursuant to sub-section (3)(b), every Director having directorship in other companies or who is a member of any firm, must give general notice each year in the last month of every financial year so that such notice is brought up and read at the first meeting of the Board of the company, subsequent to close of such financial year in which it would otherwise have expired.


2. Section applicable to directors nominated by Government.-Provisions of section 299 are also applicable to Directors nominated by the Government. (Letter No. 8/19(299)/63-PR, dated 20-9-1963).


3. Notice by director about transfer of shares and cessor of his personal interest in concerned contract.-As long as the name of a Director continues to appear in the register of members of another company, though his shares are transferred to another person, he will be deemed prima facie to have an interest or concern in the contract or arrangement. So, he should give a notice under section 299 to the Board stating the fact of the transfer of his shares to another person and cessor of his personal interest in the concerned contract.


4. Trustee to disclose his interest in company.-A trustee, being the owner of the share, should also disclose to the company his interest arising out of his membership in the concerned companies. (Company News & Notes, July 1963).


5. Section applicable to contracts with public and private companies in which directors interested.-Provisions of section 299 are applicable to contracts made with public and also with private companies in which Directors are interested. (Circular No. 8/299/56-PR dated 15-6-1956).


6. Limit of quantum of interest only to be applied to direct interest although section covers both direct and indirect interest.-Introduction of sub-section (6) to this section through Companies (Amendment) Act, 1960 (LXV of 1960), made the operation of this section quite confusing. Section 299 in regard to the Directors' interest will not be effective where any of the Directors of one company or two or more of them together holds or hold not more than two per cent of the paid-up share capital in the other company. Holding of paid-up share capital of any class by all the Directors together is difficult to ascertain at any given time and this may be the reason why disclosure of interest by the Directors is made only at a meeting of the Board, and not by circulation or otherwise. In any case, the point of time with reference to which holding of shares in excess of two per cent is to be verified must be the date on which the contract is entered into. Direct interest can be quantified and indirect interest in most cases cannot be quantified. So, limit of quantum of interest specified in sub-section (6) can only be applied to direct interest although section 299 covers disclosure of both direct and indirect interest. (Company News & Notes, July 1963).


7. Collective responsibility of directors.-Compliance of the requirements of section 299(6) is the collective responsibility of the Directors of a company. (Circular No.8/16(1) 61/PR. V, dated 19-5-1961).


8. Directors to disclose interest in contract as consequences of non-disclosure serious.-Directors' interest in a contract must in any case be disclosed and as the consequences of contravention of' the provisions of disclosures are serious, every Director is advised to notify the Board at every concluding month of the financial year, the names of the companies in which the Director holds directorship and see that such notice is brought up and dealt with at a Board Meeting and interest is noted by the Board.


9. Compliance Certificate.-Coin pan les having paid-up share capital of less than Rs. 2 Crores but equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs are required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole-time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the directors have disclosed their interest in other firms/companies to the Board of Directors pursuant to the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder as per paragraph 18 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001.


Disclosure of interest by Directors


S. 299-Disclosure of interest by Directors-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that the general notice dated 10th July, 2002, given by Mr. XYZ, Director of the Company pursuant to section 299(3) of the Companies Act, 1956, disclosing his interest as a Director/shareholder in the companies mentioned hereunder be and is hereby noted and that the Secretary of the Company is directed to make necessary entries in the register maintained for the purpose.


Name of the Company                                                               Interested as

1. A.B.C. Limited                                                                      Director

2. LMP Private Ltd.                                                                  Shareholder."




1. Director to give general notice of his interest.-Every Director has to give a general notice indicating his interest in the company in which he is interested as a Director/shareholder.


2. General notice to be given every year.-This general notice has to be given by a Director every year.


3. Contract in which director has personal interest conflicting with duties to company hit by section.-The contract or arrangement hit at by this section is one in which the Director has a personal interest conflicting with his duties towards the company and does not cover cases where there is no personal interest involved. Public Prosecutor v. T.P. Khaitan, 2 MLJ 590.


4. Directors having guaranteed overdraft deemed to be interested.-Where a company issued certain debentures to a bank to secure an overdraft and the overdraft had previously been guaranteed by some Directors, this was held to be an interest which ought to be disclosed to the Board. Victors Ltd. v. Lingard, (1927) 1 Ch 323.


5. Interest to include an interest in his relative being concerned in a contract or arrangement.-Interest is not personal interest only nor is it confined to pecuniary interest only. If to the knowledge of the Director concerned, a relative of his coming within the list in Schedule 1-A is concerned in a contract or arrangement, the Director must disclose the same to the Board. (Fateh Chand Kad v. Hindsons (Patiala) Ltd., (1957) 27 Com Cases 340).


6. Non-disclosure not to render contract void but voidable.-Non-disclosure does not render the contract void or a nullity. It renders the contract voidable at the instance of the company and makes the Director accountable for any secret profit which he has made. (Hely-Hutchinson v. Brayhead Ltd., (1968) 1 Comp LJ 263.).


7. Director to disclose interest where he is trustee.-Where a Director is a trustee since the trustee is the owner of the share, it would be necessary in such cases to disclose to the company his 'interest' arising out of his membership in the companies concerned as a joint holder or as a trustee as the case may be. (Company News and Notes, dated 1st July, 1963).


8. Consequences of non-disclosure.-Failure to comply with the requirements of this section will cause vacation of the office of the Director and will also subject him to the penalty under sub-section (4) of section 299. (See section 283(1)(i)).


9. Penalty for default.-Every Director who fails to comply with this section shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs. 50,000/-.


Entering into contracts in which a Director is interested

other than contracts covered by section 297


S. 299-Enterin'g into contracts in which a Director is interested other than contracts covered by section 297-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that General notice of directors' interest in other companies received from the Directors pursuant to the provisions of section 299(3)(b) of the Act were read at the Meeting and noted."




1. Concern or interest.-The contract or arrangement hit by the Section is one in which the director has a personal interest conflicting with his duties towards the company and does not cover any case where there is no personal interest involved. (Public Prosecutor v. TP. Khaitan, (1957) 27 Comp Cases 77).


2. Directors "concern or interest".-A director is required by the section not merely., to disclose that he is interested, but also the nature of his concern or interest. (Imperial Mercantile Credit Association v. Coleman, (1963) LR 6 HL 189.


3. Unbiased Advice of Directors.-The company is entitled to the unbiased advice of every director upon matters which are brought before the Board for consideration, and a contract made by a director with the company for profit to himself is invalid (V. Ramaswami Iyer v. Madras Times Printing and Publishing Company Ltd., AIR 1915 Mad. 1179).


Disclosure of interest by Director

(Another format)


S. 299-Disclosure of interest by Director-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that a notice dated the _________, 2002 _________, from Mr. __________________ a Director of the Company, stating that he has been ap­pointed as a Director of M/s. PQR & Company Ltd. with effect from the _________, 2002 _________, as placed before and read at this meeting, be and is hereby recorded in the register of contracts of the Company."




1. General notice of interest.-As a general practice, whenever a Director holds directorship in any other company, it should be a practice to notify every Board of Directors of the companies in which he holds directorship about his becoming such Director of another new company and this should be first taken into consideration before entering into any contract or arrangement.


2. Duty after ceasing to be director.-Similarly, a Director, on cessor of his directorship in any other company, should notify to every Board of Directors of the companies in which he holds directorship about the cessation as such and for correction/alteration in the register of contracts.


3. Non-compliance not to make contract void but voidable.-Non-compliance of the provisions of this section does not make a contract void or invalidate the contract or arrangement but will make it voidable at the option of the company.


4. Contract or arrangement hit in which director has personal interest conflicting with his duties.-The contract or arrangement hit by sections 297 and 299 is one in which the Director has a personal interest conflicting with his duties towards the company. (The Public Prosecutor v. T.P. Khaitan, (1956) 2 MLJ 590: (1957) 27 Com Cases 77.) Interest as explained should be construed as personal interest only. Thus, even if the Director himself has no personal interest in any contract or arrangement but a relative of a Director falling within the list in Schedule 1-A to his knowledge is-concerned in a contract or arrangement, the Director is deemed to be indirectly interested and should disclose such interest to the Board.


5. Words "in any way whether directly or indirectly concerned or interested" Meaning.-The meaning of the words 'in any way whether directly or indirectly con­cerned or interested' is quite wider and their application in practice is quite difficult, for the indirect concern may be connected with even outside relationship pursuant to Sched­ule 1-A to the Companies Act, 1956, or of fiduciary relationship as of the trustee and a beneficiary. Thus, a Director of a company who was by profession solicitor was in his private capacity solicitors/legal advisers of some of the other Directors in their private business. It was considered that such solicitor- Director should be considered to be con­cerned or interested in those other Directors so as to be bound to disclose at the meeting of the Board, his concern or interest in those other companies and also to remain neutral and not take part in the discussion of or vote on any contract or arrangement in which those other Directors were concerned, as provided in Section 300(l). (Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co. v. Synthetics & Chemicals Ltd., (1970) 2 Comp LJ 200: 41 Com Cases 377.)


 Interested Director not to participate or vote in the

Board's proceedings


S. 300-Interested Director not to participate or vote in the Board's proceed­ings-Board Resolution


The following note should be recorded at the end of the resolution.


"Shri __________________ a Director of the Company being interested did not take part in the discussion of or vote on the item."




1. Interested director to abstain from discussion or voting in Board Meeting. -­ Under sections 297 and 299, the duty of interested Directors consists in expressing their concern or interest in the contracts made or purported to be made with another company, firm, etc. Section 300 further restricts the action of such interested Director, to secure the consent of the Board of Directors, by requiring him to abstain from discussion on that subject or vote thereat. If he does vote, his vote is void, that is to say, it has to be ignored. There are no words in sub-section (1) making the contract or arrangement void for contravention of the sub-section, but definitely the contract becomes voidable at the option of the company. Other parties to the contract cannot avoid it. (Naryandas Shreeram Somani v. Sangli Bank Ltd., (1965) 2 Comp U 99: (1965) 35 Com Cases 596 (SC) on reference basing old section 91-B of the Indian Companies Act, 1913.)


2. Interested director not to participate or vote when his near relative is to be ap­pointed on Board.-A Director should not participate in the discussion or vote on the proposal when a near relative of such Director is proposed to be appointed on the Board. (Company News & Notes, March 16, 1965).     


3. Section not applicable to Board Resolution fixing or increasing Director's fee. -Provisions of section 300(l) do not apply to Board resolution fixing or increasing Director's fees, because the final decision in this matter has to be taken by the company in General Meeting. (Letter No. 2/32/63-PR, dated 20-9-1963.)


4. Penalty for default.-Every director who knowingly contravenes the provisions of section 300 shall be punishable with fine of up to Rs. 50,000/-


5. Issue of shares, warrants.-Issue of shares or warrants has been held to be not an arrangement or a contract within the scope of section 299 or 300. TNK Govindraju Chetty & Co. v. Kadri Mills (CBE) Ltd., (1998) 30 CLA 49 (CLB-SR).

Register of Contract


S. 301-Register of Contract-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that the Register of Contracts of companies and firms in which directors are interested be and is hereby placed before this meeting and the signatures of all the directors present hereat be and hereby are obtained on the said Register."




1.Time of entering particulars.-Particulars in the register of contracts should be entered within seven days of the board meeting where such contracts are approved or within seven days from the date of receipt of the registered office or within thirty days of the date of making of such contracts, for other contracts.


2. Penalty.-Contravention of the provisions of section 301 of the Act is punishable with fine of upto rupees five thousand.


3. Compounding of offence.-The fine of rupees five hundred for contravention of provisions of section 301 of the Act is compoundable by the Regional Director concerned as per section 621-A(l)(b).


4. Compliance Certificate.-Companies having paid-up share capital of less than Rs. 2 Crores but equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs are required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole-time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the company has made necessary entries in the register maintained under section 301 of the Act as per paragraph 10 of the Form of Compliance Certificate as appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001.


Memorandum of interest


S. 302-Memorandum of interest-Board Resolution


"WHEREAS it was required to appoint Mr.____________________ as a Whole-time Di­rector of the Company in terms of agreement between Mr. PKW and the Company, a copy whereof is open for inspection at the registered office of the company during the working hours on any working day;


AND WHEREAS the Board of Directors at its meeting held on the __________, 2002 __________, appointed Mr. ____________________ as a Whole-time Director of the Company with effect from the __________, 2002 __________;


NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that a memorandum clearly specifying the nature of interest and terms of the contract entered into with the said Mr. ____________________ be and is hereby circulated to the members of the company pursuant to section 302(7) of the Companies Act, 1956."




1. Disclosure of Directors' interest to members in contract appointing Manager/Managing Director.-Section 302 deals with disclosure to members, of Directors' interest in contract appointing Manager, Managing Director etc. when such terms are in existence and are varied.


2. Forwarding to members the abstract of terms of contract or variation with requisite memorandum.-The company is required, within twenty-one days from the date of entering into the contract or of varying of the contract, as the case may be, to send to every member of the company an abstract of the terms of the contract or variation, together with a memorandum clearly specifying the nature of the concern or interest of the Director in such contract or variation.


3. Section applicable to any resolution of Board appointing Manager/Managing/Whole-time director or variations in previous contract or resolution.-These provisions apply in relation to any resolution of the Board of Directors of a company appointing a Manager or a Managing Director or Whole-time Director, or varying any previous contract or resolution of the company relating to the appointment of a Manager or Managing Director or whole-time Director, in the same way as they apply in relation to any contract for the like purpose.


4. Abstract of terms and conditions to be communicated to members.-The abstract of the terms and conditions should be communicated to the members of the company by way of a memorandum, a specimen of which is given hereunder:


5. Penalty for default.-If default is made in complying with the provisions of section 302, the company and every officer of the company who is default, shall be punishable with fine of up to Rs. 10,000/-




Registered Office:

ANAND 388001.


Abstract of the terms of the contract to be entered into by the company with a Whole-time Finance Director of the company in pursuance of section 302(7) of the Companies Act, 1956.


In pursuance of the provisions of section 302 of the Companies Act, 1956, the following abstract of the terms of the contract, proposed to be entered into between the company and Mr. ____________________, is circulated to the members for their information:


Period of                                               Five years from ____________________

Appointment:                                         to ____________________


Terms of contract:                                             (i) Salary Rs. 100,000/- per month

(ii) Commission up to one-fourth per cent of annual net profits         of the com­pany computed under section 309(5) of the Companies Act, 1956 as may be determined by the Board subject to a maximum in salary and commission of Rs.15,00,000 per annum.

(iii) Free unfurnished residential accommodation at the expense of the company, the monetary value of which evaluated under Rule 3 of the Income-tax Rules does not exceed Rs. 30,000 per month.

(iv) Leave travel allowance up to a limit of the basic salary only for conveyance expenses either by air or by steamer or train any where in India for himself, wife and children.

(v) Leave of one month after working eleven months subject to the sanction by the Board of Directors.


            Interest of (any of)                                            No director of the company except Mr._________________,

            Directors in the contract:                                    is interested in this matter







            Dated: _______, 2002_______                                                                                     Managing Directors.




 Change in the Register of Directors


S. 303-Change in the Register of Directors-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that the resignation of Mr. XYZ, a Director of the Company, be accepted with effect from the __________, 2002 __________ and that the Secretary of the Company be instructed to change the Register of Directors accordingly and file the return, in du­plicate, with the Registrar of Companies, in Form No. 32 within thirty days from the said date."




1. Maintenance of Register of Directors.-Register of Directors should be in bound books, but loose leaf form may also be used provided the company takes safety measures against manipulation and tampering and binds them at reasonable intervals. (Letter No. 8/2(203)/62-PR, dated 7-11-1962.)


2. Names of members of Board of trustees of UTI and State Bank of India to be entered in Register of Directors.-Members of the Board of Trustees of the Unit Trust of India and State Bank of India should also be treated as Directors of a body corporate and so be entered in the Register of Directors. Persons who are Directors on the Central Board of Directors of the State Bank of India should also be treated as such. (Letter No. 8/48/2(13)/64-PR, dated 1/26-8-1964.)


3. Filing of return with Registrar of Companies regarding appointment of Additional Directors/Directors in casual vacancy as Directors in Annual General Meeting.-Appointment of Additional Directors or Directors in casual vacancy as Directors in the Annual General Meeting amounts to change in the appointment and, thus, must be notified to the Registrar of Companies under section 303(2) of the Companies Act, 1956. (Circular No. 8/30(303)/79-CL. V., dated 2-9-1980.)


4. No Return required to be riled if subscribers to memorandum become Directors.-A company is not required to file a return under section 303(2) of the Companies Act, 1956, if the subscribers to the memorandum become the Directors of the company by virtue of section 254. (Letter No. 8/25(254)/64-PR, dated 10-5-1964.)


5. Penalty for default.-If default is made in complying with sub-section (1) or (2) of section 303 the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 500/- for every day during which the default continues.


6. Compliance Certificate.-Companies having paid-up share capital of less than Rs. 2 Crores but equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs are required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole-time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the company has kept and maintained all registers as stated in Annexure 'A' to this certificate, as per the provisions and the rules made thereunder and all entries therein have been duly recorded as per paragraph 1 of the Form of Compliance Certificate as appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001.


Change in the Register of Directors

(Another format)


S. 303(2)-Change in Director by Resignation-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that the resignation of Shri SKM from the Directorship of the Company, consequent on his retirement from the Government service, be and is hereby accepted with effect from __________


RESOLVED FURTHER that the gratitude and appreciation of the Board for the valuable assistance and advice tendered by Mr. SKM throughout the period of his association with the Board and the Company be communicated to him."




1. Resignation of Director when effective.-The resignation by a director is either effective from the date mentioned in the letter of resignation or from the date it is accepted by the Board of Directors.


2. Communication of resignation of a Director.-Where a Registrar receives any communication from any director about his (director's) resignation, the Registrar should enquire whether the resignation of such director is or is not bona fide and if he finds that such director has bona fide resigned from his directorship of the company, he should not start any prosecution against such director, irrespective of the fact whether such resignation was or was not accepted by the company (Circular Letter. No. 42(400)-CL.11/59, dated the 29th December, 1959).


3. Changes in Register of Directors etc.-Ensure to make necessary changes in the Register of Directors and the Register of Directors' shareholdings.


4. Filing of Forms.-File Form 32 with the Registrar of Companies within thirty days of resignation, in duplicate. In Saumil Dilip Mehta v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 2002 Bom 104 it was held that the director ceased to be so as soon as his resignation was accepted by the Board of Directors. He need not fill Form No. 32 or send notice to the Registrar of Companies.


5. Default in riling return.-The default in filing the return can be made good under section 614 by filing a single return containing all the changes which took place. A separate return for each change is not needed. Trichinopoly Mills Ltd. Re, (1941) 11 Com Cases 4 (Mad).


Notice of appointment and relinquishment


S. 303-Notice of appointment and relinquishment-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that a letter dated the __________, 2002 __________, from Mr. ____________________ informing that he has been appointed as a Direc­tor of M/s. RTT Company Limited, with effect from __________, 2002 __________, produced before and read at this meeting, be and is hereby recorded in the Register of Contract of the Company pursuant to section 303(l) of the Companies Act, 1956.


RESOLVED FURTHER that a letter dated the __________, 2002 __________, from Mr.____________________ informing that he has resigned from the Board of M/s. ABC & Company Limited, with effect from the __________, 2002 __________, pro­duced before and read at this meeting, be and is hereby recorded by deletion of such company's name in the Register of Contract of the Company pursuant to section 303(l) of the Companies Act, 1956."




1. Section applicable to every Director, Managing Director, Manager or Secretary on appointment and relinquishment.-This section applies to every Director, Managing Director, Manager or Secretary of any company when appointed to or relinquished the office of a Director, Managing Director, Manager or Secretary of any other body corporate.


2. Notice of appointment or relinquishment to be given within twenty-one days. - The information relating to such appointment or relinquishment, as the case may be, should be disclosed to the company, within twenty days of such appointment or relinquishment.


 Application to CLB for inspection of register


S. 304(2)(b)- Application to Company Law Board on refusal to inspect register of directors-Board Resolution


WHEREAS the company is a member of XYZ Co. Ltd. holding equity shares of Rs. __________ each;


AND WHEREAS the Company's authorised representative when went to inspect the register if that company kept under section 303 on behalf of the Company on __________, 2002, he was refused inspection;


NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that an application be and is hereby made to the Company Law Board, North Region Bench, New Delhi by way of a petition for an order compelling XYZ Co. Ltd. an immediate inspection of the register of directors of that company kept under section 303 of the Companies Act, 1956.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Secretary of the Company be authorised to prepare, sign and file the said petition with the Company Law Board and to do everything that is necessary in connection therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto.




1. Format of the Petition.-The petition to the Company Law Board should be prepared in Form No. 1 of Annexure II of the Company Law Board Regulations, 1991 along with fee of Rs. 500/- to be paid by way of demand draft.


2. Penalty for default.-If any inspection is refused under sub-section (1) of section 304 the Company and every officer of the Company who is in default shall be punishable with fine of up to Rs. 500/-.


Duty of Directors' to make disclosure


S. 305-Directors' duty to disclose particulars on appointment and relinquishment of office-Board Resolution


WHEREAS Mr. ABC the Managing Director of the company has been appointed as a director of XYZ Co. Ltd., with effect from __________, 2002;


AND WHEREAS he has relinquished his office as a director from PQR Co. Ltd.;


AND WHEREAS he has disclosed his appointment and his relinquishment of office as aforesaid to the company by a letter which is placed before this meeting for information within twenty-one days of such appointment and relinquishment.


NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that the said appointment and relinquishment of office of Mr. ABC be and is hereby taken on record and the Secretary of the company be directed to make necessary entries in the register of directors of the company immediately.




1. Deemed directors.-The provisions of section 305(l) of disclosing any appointment or relinquishment of office in any other body corporate as director, managing director, manager or secretary by the director or managing director or manager or secretary of the company will also apply to a person deemed to be a director of the company being a person in accordance with those instructions the board of directors of a company is accustomed to act.


2. Penalty for default.-If the aforesaid disclosure is not made within 21 days of the appointment or relinquishment of office is as aforesaid the said directors, managing director, manager or secretary as the case may be shall be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 5,000/-.


 Inspection of Register of Directors' shareholdings


S. 307-Application to Company Law Board for refusal to inspect register of directors' shareholdings-Board Resolution


WHEREAS the company is a member of ABC Co. Ltd., holding __________ equity shares of Rs.__________ each;


AND WHEREAS the authorised representative of the company went to inspect the register of directors' shareholding during the period beginning fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting of that company to be, held on __________ 2002 under sub-section (5)(4) of section 307 of the Companies Act, 1956;


AND WHEREAS the said authorised representative of the company was refused to inspect the said register of directors' shareholding;


NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that an application be and is hereby made to the Company Law Board, Northern Region Bench, New Delhi by way of a petition for an order compelling ABC Co. Ltd., an immediate inspection of its register of directors' shareholding under sub-section (9) of section 307 of the Companies Act, 1956;


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Secretary of the company be and is hereby authorised to prepare, sign and file the said petition on behalf of the company with the Company Law Board and to do everything that is necessary in connection therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto.




1. Application to the Company Law Board.-The application by way of petition to be made to the Company Law Board should be prepared in Form No. 1 of Annexure II of the Company Law Board Regulations, 1991 along with fee of Rs. 500/- to be paid by way of demand draft.


2. Penalty for default.-If default is made in complying with the requirement of producing the register of directors' shareholding at the commencement of every annual general meeting of the company and keeping the said register open and accessible during the continuance of the meeting to any person having the right to attend the meeting, the company and every officer of the company who is in default will be punishable with fine of up to Rs. 5,000/-. If default is made in complying with sub-section (1) and (2) of Section 307 or if any inspection is refused under that section, the Company and every officer of the Company who is in default will be punishable with fine of up to Rs. 50,000/- and also further fine of upto Rs. 200/- for every day during which default continues.


Disclosure of Directors' shareholdings


S. 308-Disclosure of Directors' shareholdings-Board Resolution


"RESOLVED that a notice dated the __________, 2002 __________, pursuant to section 308 of the Companies Act, 1956, detailing the number, de­scription and amount of holdings of equity and preference shares and also of holding of debentures of the Company and in the subsidiary of this company either in his own name or in trust for him, received from Mr. ____________________ a Director of the Company, submitted to this meeting, be and is hereby recorded in the Register of Directors' Shareholdings maintained under section 307 of the Companies Act, 1956."




1. Section applicable to all directors holding shares or debentures.-The section is applicable to all Directors who are holding shares or debentures of the company in which he is a Director either in his own name or through somebody in trust or for the benefit of such Director.


2. Section covers every director and person in accordance with whose direction Board of Directors accustomed to Act.-The scope of this section covers every Director who is deemed to be a Director under Explanation to section 303(l), that is, every person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the Board of Directors is accustomed to act.


3. Apart from description and amount nature and extent of interest in shares or debentures to be recorded in register.-The recording of' Directors' interest in company's shares/debentures, apart from description and amount, should also state the nature and extent of such interest and also the right in or over any such shares or debentures.


4. Share/debenture holding of Directors/Manager of holding company in subsidiary to be recorded in register.-As far as the Directors of the holding company are concerned by virtue of its position to control the composition of the Board of Directors of the subsidiary company, the share/debenture holding of the Directors/Manager etc., of the holding company in such subsidiary company should also be recorded in the register maintained by the subsidiary company pursuant to section 307 of the Companies Act, 1956.


5. Penalty for default.-Any person who falls to comply with the requirements of section 308 will be punishable with imprisonment for 2 years or with fine of up to Rs. 50,000/- or with both.